Tag Archives: gay

Gaydar: My Life in the Ghost of Bush

I’ve been rather obsessively following the story of Aaron Stella, Gaydar editor at Phawker. Anyone else catch his piece this week?

When we last left off, I was cornered in the back room in the psychiatrist’s office. With their police escort at their side, my parents delivered their ultimatum: either I go to the psych ward peacefully, or be committed, leaving an indelible blemish on my permanent record, (which turned-out to be bullshit I later found out). Thankfully, my anger didn’t get the best of me, and I submitted. I assured the police that there was no need for their assistance en route. They went their way, and I with my mother. My father, who was now morbidly obese and beleaguered from the divorce proceedings with my mother, left without saying a word.

Okay, in theory I know there are parents who commit their kid because he or she is gay/lesbian (or because they don’t want to go to college), but reading about Aaron’s recollection just reinforces the craziness that some people have to go through.

Guvnor Jim McGreevy and Being on the Down Low

This study has me intrigued, and not just because I know the folks doing the research :P

From the Philadelphia Gay News:

Researchers from the Public Health Management Corporation recently completed a study that found that men who identify as “down low” do not pose any higher risk of spreading HIV to female partners than openly bisexual men.

The study, published in this month’s issue of the American Journal of Public Health, was created to assess the sexual practices of African-American men who identify with the down low — commonly thought of as those who engage in sex with other men without their female partners’ knowledge — and if this practice affects the high rates of HIV in the black community.

Fascinating stuff. Oh, and here I thought the gays were responsible for the world’s problems. Darn. Science. Schmience.

Gay is the new Black


Guest post from thabooger!

I was going to title this something else (I think you have an idea) but I didn’t want to piss anyone off. Before I moved here I saw an African American (or just a regular ol’ “American” but whatever) wearing a shirt saying, “Fags are the new N*ggers”. It kinda made me chuckle but I got to thinking how much it made sense. Granted “blacks” had it far shittier than homosexuals and nothing homosexuals go through in this day in age can compare to the atrocities that “blacks” had to endure (I put blacks in parentheses because I’d be pretty f*ckin offended if someone referred my people as the browns). I mean it’s not like homosexuals are being hunted down and lynched just for walking down the street. And its not like homosexuals are forced to dine in separate sections of the restaurant or drink from separate fountains (And god forbid they have to sit in the back of the bus). But when it all comes down to it there is an entire group of people being denied their right to partake in a simple event called marriage. Continue reading