SingleGrrl Goes To Bar Alone

Guest contributor SingleInPhillyGrrl isn’t afraid of anything. Except for going to bars alone…

So, PG readers, I will be utilizing posts from my Singles Guide at  Deal with it.

And PG readers get the benefit of knowing how I REALLY feel about certain dating topics.  Going to a bar alone.  Here we go…

As a preface–I hate going out in public alone.  Even if it’s waiting for friends at happy hour or dinner, staring a menu as the minutes click on by…I hate it.  This is probably why I bought myself an iPhone and now look like a total fool while playing the iBowl game when waiting for friends…but I digress.  Point is, I hate being alone.

Which is why, wonder of wonders, tonight I felt the need to go to my hotel bar alone.  For a drink.  Post-dinner with a group of 20.

I know, I don’t know what I was thinking too…

I sipped a glass of pretentious Italian red while staring at the television, watching Canada’s pathetic excuse for ESPN (any channel that doesn’t show NL coverage is a waste for me), hoping someone would talk to me.  I was modestly dressed in a swoop-necked, loose purple t-shirt, black tulip-cut pencil skirt, and t-strap flat black sandals with nearly no makeup and my hair pulled back in a ponytail.  I eavesdropped and attempted to butt into conversations (with no success).

I came back to my room, feeling somewhat ashamed for attempting to go out alone.  And came to the opinion that I must attempt this experiment tarted up in heels, a more provocative outfit, and an honest attempt at makeup before writing off going out alone.  Because people do swear by it, and goddamn it if I’m going to let myself fail at something….

Stay tuned, PG readers.

And if you’re going to go to a bar alone, my advice is look like you’re waiting for someone.  That way, if “that person” stands you up, you can guilt the bartender into a free drink.

One response to “SingleGrrl Goes To Bar Alone

  1. offtherecord

    this is something that I’ve also wanted to do… curious to read about how it goes for you! :)

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