Daily Archives: May 1, 2009

Lunchtime with Ramit Sethi

Financial guru extraordinaire Ramit Sethi stopped by Philadelphia to sign some books and chat with fans of his new book I Will Teach You To Be Rich. I’m looking forward to his upcoming projects, including a possible e-book on navigating healthcare insurance plans…


If you’ve ever visited his website, you’ll already know that Ramit is a great speaker. His casual tone resonates well with readers of his blog and book. His talk today was no exception. I thought it would be fun to feature random one-liners from the very serious discussion about finance he had with his fanclub… Continue reading

Following Fridays

If you’re on Twitter, you’re familiar with Follow Friday. Pick a group of your fav Twitterfolk and recommend ’em to others.

Today feels like a good day to recommend a new favorite blog. My pick of the week? A blog devoted to tea called teaspoons & petals. Even if you’re not a tea conneissuer, you’ll appreciate the whimsical teacups made by this blog’s creator, Alexis Siemons.

Can someone say “Mother’s Day present?”

Read more about her work here. Or follow her on Twitter :)

Be careful

Who you add as a Facebook friend:

A Philadelphia court officer who was described as an “exceptional man” by one judge was recently suspended for 10 days after he asked a juror to become his Facebook friend, according to a court official.

Which city you’re screwing with:

A Philadelphia lawyer plans to seek an injunction to shut down an Indian movie now filming in New York City – a production that was shot in Philadelphia last fall before the filmmaker left owing more than $500,000 to local actors, vendors and crew.

How much TV you’re watching:

Both high achievers and regular students reported living in highly saturated media environments in their homes, with multiple TVs, stereos, videogames, computers and cell phones, and spending more than six hours per day on the weekends consuming media images.

My momma’s house

My mother doesn’t send me emails. But most mothers do. Read some funny ones here. Thanks to Jamisonian for sharing this with me.

If you’re a Ramit Sethi fan

Which I am, you can check out Ramit and his book from 12pm – 1pm @ the Barnes & Noble on Rittenhouse Square (1805 Walnut Street).

He writes “Come around 12PM and we can talk about personal finance, entrepreneurship, or anything you want. And if you have a book, bring it so I can sign it!”

I guess rape is not serious.

Nobody cares about rape. Good to know. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

Stunningly often, the rape kit isn’t tested at all because it’s not deemed a priority. If it is tested, this happens at such a lackadaisical pace that it may be a year or more before there are results (if expedited, results are technically possible in a week).

So while we have breakthrough DNA technologies to find culprits and exculpate innocent suspects, we aren’t using them properly — and those who work in this field believe the reason is an underlying doubt about the seriousness of some rape cases. In short, this isn’t justice; it’s indifference

Does anyone else find this NOT funny?

This video gave me nightmares. Thanks to M.S. for sharing it with me :)

It would’ve served Janice right if the kid had died. Maybe then she would’ve stopped laughing. But I’m guessing she couldn’t see what was so obvious to us – that the harness is minutes away from strangulating the kid. Poor pooky. And NO fat jokes! The  rollercoaster’s designers don’t seem to have tested it on kids under a certain height.

He must’ve walked away with a heck of a bruise from the strap chafing his chin. If I were that kids parents and I were the lawsuit type, I would sue the heck out of that park. Dangerous stuff. Reminds me why I never go on amusement park rides…